Our tiny girl is one year old! April brought spring flowers, sunshine, second vaccination shots, playdates, and friends. An all-around improvement from March!! In April she got excited about crawling around outside, and got SO excited about trains, waterfalls, trees, buildings (she won’t stop pointing and telling us all about them). She improved at pulling up, developed a passion for swinging (and will try to crawl to the swings at the playground and will cry if you say all done) and she’s pretty much 1/3 cheerios by weight at this point. #absoluteunit

But first! This retired plant biologist can’t resist cataloging the glory of color returning to world during spring time. Here’s early spring flowers: star magnolia just opening, daffodils, scilla, and tulip leaves being like, “outta my way, dead leaves! I’m very important and I’ve got photosynthesizing to do!”

Our tiny girl turned one year old! She absolutely despised her party hat.

It was a beautifully sunny day so we stopped for coffee and a trip to Austin Gardens!

My husband and I worked together to make her a tiger mashed potato smash cake! Our son enjoyed the party hats much more than our daughter.


Our sweet friend Melissa sent beautiful Easter cookies…

We had an egg hunt…

Then had some beautiful spring portraits taken by our friend Tina Harle of Tina Harle Photography!

I love these shots she took of us! They reflect our personalities well!

Spring outings to the Cheney Mansion…she’s in fleece sleepers outside by design; they wash much more easily than other clothes if she’s going to be on the ground!

Swinging LOVE!!

More springtime walks through town – in mid-April the callery pears all over town were in bloom and it was AMAZING! I also love the scilla “river” at Scoville Park!

Mud monster. We’re pretty sure she hasn’t eaten a rock yet.

Going through new clothes from her cousin!

Getting to be Big Stuff with lots of standing practice! We found her standing in her crib for the first time this month!

More beautiful blooms all over town…callery pears and redbuds everywhere!

Meanwhile messes were made at home with toilet paper and avocados…not at the same time…

Mom and Dad got their vaccines part two…and we all celebrated with waffles.

Beautiful flowers absolutely everywhere!! We had a few very warm days (high 70s) and it forced the plants into early bloom all at once!

Springtime on the west coast isn’t like this!

More standing practice…and rolling balls and cars down the slide of the Pichler triangle baby playground.

Meanwhile Mom and Dad stayed well-caffeinated with tea shipments and investigating the lovely new Brewpoint Craft cafe! My drink of choice: iced oatmilk Pirouette, which has cinnamon and honey!

Beautiful magnolia flowers at the Morton Arboretum; photo of me courtesy of my sweet friend Abbie of Abbie Christine Photography!

Making friends with big brother (he loves to come into her room to say hi as soon as she wakes from nap), and new friends at the Arboretum!

Just some really cool tulips!

New camera for me, Nikon Z5 mirrorless! I’m planning to write a blog review of this camera body vs my Nikon D750 DSLR.

And we’ll end on a curl appreciation photo! Thanks for joining us for April! 🙂
Kristen Hazelton is an Oak Park, IL (Chicago, IL metro area) and Livermore, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) senior, family, and engagement photographer. She occasionally photographs in San Diego, CA, Tucson, AZ, and Seattle, WA. You can inquire about your own photoshoot here!