Welcome to November’s personal blog! This month my daughter started army-crawling and really figured out what to do with those new teeth in her mouth. She’s started growling (in addition to roaring and shrieking) and her older brother doesn’t quite know what to do with the fact that she can suddenly get into all these things he’s working on.

How we coped with election week stress at our house: waffles for dinner and indoor s’mores for dessert.

Someone discovered Dad’s hoodie drawstrings.

Back in February-ish of this year my in-laws sent us a box of fresh citrus from California (I know, decadence!). I finally started the seeds and they’re sprouting!! The only trouble is I can’t remember if they’re tangerines or lemons…

The first photo is her initial response to cold applesauce – a full body shudder! The second is right after waking up after a long nap. 🙂

We visited Barrie Park for the first time in South Oak Park and climbed to the top of the sledding hill!

Here’s the reaction when getting applesauce a second time…she needs to learn to like it…she’s not going to get very far in this family (that dedicates a whole weekend to making and canning our own) without liking applesauce!!

He’s showing off his “garbage truck” that he made with Duplos – it’s pretty good, actually! It has an open hopper in the back to put in duplo brick “garbage”!

Chewing on mom’s hair.

Who wore it better?! Bug on the left and Buttercup on the right, four years later.

(Bug on the left with a much-less sleep-deprived husband, and Buttercup on the right with one Duplo cupcake).

New boots, new boots!!

Perhaps you’ll recall back in September I was part of a raffle fundraiser to support New Moms Chicago. One of the raffle items was cinnamon rolls from Pastry Revival… and I won! We got a dozen and kept 4 to enjoy and dropped off cinnamon rolls and coffee for the teachers at my son’s school for teacher work day. My son gobbled up the last cinnamon roll when he thought no one was paying attention. 🙁 We were going to split it three ways, dude!

Getting the tree out early to bring some joy…and opening up a box of very fancy tea from our favorite, Whittard’s of Chelsea.

I love the older model, too! He just doesn’t like being photographed as much!

Going for a walk and keeping warm in Dad’s jacket.

What I get to wake up to. 🙂

She’s super happy that’s she’s got a sock. Good for flailing and chewing!

We outsourced our Thanksgiving dinner from Sugar Beet Food Co-Op – delicious roasted root veggies, garlic mashed potatoes and gravy, and stuffing! We made 3-ingredient butternut squash soup, roasted veggies for the baby, then heated up a shockingly good Field Roast hazelnut-cranberry roast in croute as well.

And we got delicious pies from Pastry Revival! We got a chocolate bourbon pecan pie and some yummy pumpkin whoopie pies. My son now calls her the “Wookiee Pie Lady.”

This baby is 100% over family photos on the tripod…UNTIL:

“Can we just eat already, Mom?”

We put up the tree and lights earlier in the month, but saved putting up ornaments until after Thanksgiving!

My husband was feeling pretty proud of his decorating skills.

Special blue satin ornament from my grandma. 🙂

Getting out “Greendolf” the green-nosed reindeer.

As a treat we got high tea service from Serenitea! My husband had a smoky tea, I had the “Oak Park” almond blend, and our son had chocolate strawberry rooibos. The Oak Park and chocolate strawberry were really delightful! I’m not a huge fan of smokier teas…my husband will make lapsang souchong and I’ll get mad because the whole house smells like bacon except there’s no bacon, it’s tea.

Big brother’s getting out toys for baby sis to play with.

Most of them time they’re pretty good about playing next to each other! My son will get frustrated when she cruises right up into his business and tries to grab his toy (or him), but they’re largely doing well!

See you next month for December’s recap!
Kristen Hazelton is an Oak Park, IL (Chicago, IL metro area) and Livermore, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) senior, family, and engagement photographer. She occasionally photographs in San Diego, CA, Tucson, AZ, and Seattle, WA. You can inquire about your own photoshoot here!