It is always a treat and an honor to photograph another photographer’s family, especially when the family is this sweet! My friend Tina Harle is an accomplished small business branding and family portrait photographer in Oak Park, and she has a tradition with her daughters to take photos each spring with the beautiful crabapple blossoms! Between her husband’s snaps and mine, I hope we got that tradition covered for Spring 2021. 🙂 Enjoy their Euclid Square Park family photos with the pink and white blossoms!
Euclid Square Park Family Photos

Aren’t those sunglasses fabulous?

Don’t the girls have the cutest outfits? Tina said that her older daughter’s dress came from Matilda Jane and her younger daughter’s outfit came from Tea. (Tea!! Sounds like a company after my own heart #5cupadayhabit).

The older sister is SUPER into bugs and rocks right now – I love how her outfit with the butterflies and ladybugs highlights her interests at this stage of life…that’ll be a sweet reminder when her family looks at these photos in years to come!

One of my favorites!! Love those girls, the light, and the flowers! Do you spy the pink redbud tree in the background?

Girls being girls!

Aw!! I love the ones with the three of them so much! What sweet photos for Mother’s Day!


Euclid Square Park made such a great spot for family photos with those blossoms!

White Blossoms

The girls were such a “help” for this shot! They held the reflector for me….but they were probably about 10 feet away so it didn’t do much. ? I love to highlight Mom for a few shots, and I love to give the kids a chance to help and feel that they are contributing!
That’s a wrap! Thank you, Tina, for the chance to photograph your beautiful family again! See their fall family photos here in case you’re interested!
Kristen Hazelton is an Oak Park, IL (Chicago, IL metro area) and Livermore, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) senior, family, and engagement photographer. She occasionally photographs in San Diego, CA, Tucson, AZ, and Seattle, WA. You can inquire about your own photoshoot here!