Are you ready to see a super pretty winter family photoshoot? We lucked out with great weather – snow on the ground yet sunny and not too cold! 25 degrees is my cutoff temperature; if it’s colder than that it’s just not very comfortable for clients!

I actually love the golden grasses that we get in the wintertime! It makes for brighter backgrounds and more flattering light on skin than green foliage! Also, it’s a pretty pop of color in an otherwise pretty monochromatic background.

This little girl was shy, but perked up to check out the pretty river right next to the meadow!

Such a beautiful family!!

Dad was a champion, bouncing his little girl on his shoulders! She loved it!

I love this series of her running to mom to be scooped up in a big hug. Isn’t mom’s dress incredible? She told me it was from Free People.

A quiet moment, looking out at the river while snuggled up close together! I like to get a mix of poses – from higher energy shots to calmer, more composed shots. And of course, I’m carefully watching my clients to see what provokes a more genuine, happy response from their family so we can do more of that!
Winter Family Photoshoot in Riverside, IL

And then, we broke out the magic – snow showers for some sparkly fun!

As you can see – it was a hit!! She especially loved getting to throw some of the Artificial Biodegradeable Snow herself! I enjoy adding this in as a fun prop during winter sessions, and kids just ADORE it! It’s also nice because it’s not crazy cold on little fingers like real snow.

Sometimes I deliberately try to get some shots out of focus – obviously not the majority of the photos in a given shoot, but maybe one or two to add some dreaminess and magic! Think how cool this would look in a collage with the other shots. It would fit right in, yet provides a distinctly different feel.

I am a sucker for a snuggled-in-close shot! This little girl is well-loved! She also loved it when her parents swung her back and forth.

Saving one of my favorite shots for last!
Here’s what my client had to say about their experience!
Kristen was so easy to work with! She helped us pick the perfect location for our photos and really tried to get to know our family ahead of time. The day of the shoot she was very patient with our cranky 2 year old. It felt like we were taking pictures with a friend, she was so easy to talk to and so kind. Our pictures turned out beautiful and we got access to our gallery quickly. We would definitely hire Kristen again!
Kristen Hazelton is an Oak Park, IL (Chicago, IL metro area) and Livermore, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) senior, family, and engagement photographer. She occasionally photographs in San Diego, CA, Tucson, AZ, and Seattle, WA. You can inquire about your own photoshoot here!